Daniela: Unyielding dreamer, restless spirit, hyperactive mind and… a real, deep, sensual passion (quote: Caterina De Cantar – The Cyclone) for music.

It’s easy to tell something about me in relation to music: I’ve been doing it all my life, and all my life I’ve seen clearly what music stands for in my reality, my projects and my dreams. I can “talk” about music, I can “listen to” and “understand” music and its languages, I can “do” music, I can share its emotions: in short, among so many uncertainties, music is a safe harbour, an anchorage, the eye of the storm where, despite the ravaging chaos, I can breathe calm and peace. Music is the perfect place where I can lay bare and show myself without shame or masks, it’s the competent photographer’s unpitying lens that emphasises my weaknesses turning them into beauty and emotion, music is a “home” where I can move freely and easily. As it is for everyone, my path in time has been accompanied by many interests, experiences, people, passions, but the real all-absorbing element, which everything leads back to, the leitmotiv of my path has always been one and only.

That’s why it’s complicated to tell which have been and are Daniela’s reality, interests, projects and dreams today without going back to the recurring topic of music, my “safe harbour”: my vision blurs, apparently poor in content, as if at last, without music as a constant goal, my path gets lost in a sprawling tangle without a destination.

But it’s fine by me, I’m not looking for other paths: I’m treading the one I want, and with such fantastic travelling companions!
Music, such music, is a sufficient gift.


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