10 APRIL 2021

ENSEMBLE LORENZO PEROSI Concert in streaming on the digital platform VINCERÒ TV 10 April 2021, h. 9.00 pm (and 11 April h. 9.30 pm) TRIO MINIATURE Music by P. Juon, P.I. Cajkovskij, J. Brahms, F. Bridge, I. Horicht, F. Bendel ENSEMBLE LORENZO PEROSI Marcello Bianchi...

Programs of the Duo

DUO BIANCHI – DEMICHELI Our musical programs for 2024/25 RITMI E COLORI DELL’AMERICA LATINA, TRA MUSICA COLTA E FOLKLORE Music by  A. Piazzolla, J.L. Elizondo, F. Canaro, A. Villoldo, C. Guastavino, M. Ponce, H. Villa-Lobos, F. Vale/J. Heifetz, Z. de Abreu...

L’Archicembalo | programs

Our musical programs for 2024/25 ECHI D’OLTREMARE: STRANIERI ALLA CORTE DI LONDRA Music by A. Scarlatti, G.F. Handel, F.M. Veracini, J.M. Hasse, E.F. Dall’Abaco, J.Ch. Pepusch L’Archicembalo Marcello Bianchi – violin Claudio Merlo – cello...

Ensemble Lorenzo Perosi

The Lorenzo Perosi Ensemble holds an important position in the Bianchi-Demicheli Duo’s story and in their activity. The ensemble’s dedication to Lorenzo Perosi derives from an enormous artistic endeavour undertaken under Maestro Arturo Sacchetti’s invitation (who...

International Music Festival “Alessandria Barocca e non solo…”

The “Alessandria Barocca e non solo…” international music festival, in its XIV edition, stems from a Duo’s project started in 2010 under their will – a real need for us – to lead Alessandria back to its past musical liveliness, offering a structured concert season...


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