Our story as Duo Bianchi-Demicheli is about a common artistical path marked by enthusiasm and passion, study, research, growth, choices and projects, a human path of esteem and real friendship. Our encounter with music happened differently for each of us. Marcello met...


Daniela: Unyielding dreamer, restless spirit, hyperactive mind and… a real, deep, sensual passion (quote: Caterina De Cantar – The Cyclone) for music. It’s easy to tell something about me in relation to music: I’ve been doing it all my life, and all my life I’ve seen...


Marcello: Unrelenting daredevil, young promising football player, accidentally violinst, but… there are no accidents (quote: Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda). In my restless quest, fortuitousness led me to meet the violin. I was 11 when the sight of a violin literally...


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