The Lorenzo Perosi Ensemble holds an important position in the Bianchi-Demicheli Duo’s story and in their activity.

The ensemble’s dedication to Lorenzo Perosi derives from an enormous artistic endeavour undertaken under Maestro Arturo Sacchetti’s invitation (who chose Daniela and Marcello as founding and fixed members of the ensemble in 1997), regarding the complete first performance of the composer’s chamber production: 3 trios, 16 string quartets, 4 piano and string quintets, pieces for violin and piano (Tema con variazioni, Piccola Sonata) and for cello and piano (Elegia, Pezzo, Le cinque ore di Londra), included in the Festival Perosiano concert programme from 1997 to 2000 and published on CDs for Bongiovanni records (Bologna).

The “discovery” of Tortona’s priest’s chamber music and his personal vicissitudes connected to his works’ drafting, as well as the chance to examine and study Perosi’s manuscripts, led the Bianchi-Demicheli Duo to an in-depth analysis of Piemonte’s cultivated repertoire that revived valuable unfamous works, and turned them into divulgers of their own local culture around all of Europe.

The Ensemble, with a varying number of members from a trio to a quintet, has enriched their repertoire in time, overcoming the most famous literature for trio, quartet, quintet for piano and for string quartet, adding new particular thematic projects focused on tango and cinema music.

Marcello Bianchi, Daniele Guerci, Arturo Sacchetti, Daniela Demicheli, Claudio Merlo


Our musical programs for 2023/24

H. Huber, Walzer Op. 27
J. Brahms, Hungarian dances n. 2,4,17,19,20

Ensemble Lorenzo Perosi
Matteo Costa, Daniela Demicheli – piano 4 hands
Marcello Bianchi – violin
Claudio Merlo – cello

A. Piazzolla, Vuelvo al Sur
C. Gardel, Por una cabeza
A. Piazzolla, Invierno Porteño, da “Las quatro Estaciones Porteñas”
J.G.M. Rodriguez, La Cumparsita
J. Elizondo, Otoño en Buenos Aires
A. Piazzolla, Adiós Nonino
P. Ludwig, Casär
A. Piazzolla, Oblivion
J. Sanders, Adios muchachos
A. Piazzolla, Libertango

Ensemble Lorenzo Perosi
Marcello Bianchi – violin
Claudio Merlo – cello
Daniela Demicheli – piano


FRA SOGNO E REALTA’ – Incontro con 2 violini straordinari
Two amazing violins among the seven in the Arancio collection, unique instruments, in perfect condition, built between the 17th and 18th centuries by the undisputed masters of Italian violin making, belonging to noble families or great violinists in a repertoire, singular and captivating, dedicated to original compositions or specially transcribed for 2 violins and piano

D. Shostakovich,
Five Pieces  (Preludio – Gavotta – Elegia – Walzer – Polka)
A. Dvorak, Humoreska
F. Bendel, Souvenir d’Hongrie
E. Elgar, Salut d’amour Op. 12
C. Dancla, Polka
R. de Boisdeffre, Cantilène Op.24
I. Höricht, Avignon (Walzer)
I. Frolov, Divertimento

Ensemble Lorenzo Perosi
Marcello Bianchi, Valerio Giannarelli – violins
Daniela Demicheli – piano


Renowned soundtracks performed by the Lorenzo Perosi Ensemble with the video projection created by the young video-maker Giulio Arecco.
Music by M. David, A. Hoffman, J. Livingston, J. Gade, E. Morricone, H. Arlen, S. Flaherty, H. Hess, J. Williams, C. Gardel, A. Menken

Ensemble Lorenzo Perosi
Marcello Bianchi, Valerio Giannarelli – violins
Maurizio Redegoso – viola
Claudio Merlo – cello
Daniela Demicheli – piano

For more info, contact us!


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