L’Archicembalo | Early Music Review

VIVALDI, Complete Concertos and Sinfonias for Strings and Basso Continuo

Recensione di Brian Clark | Early Music Review

51 pieces in all of the standard keys of the Baroque era, mostly in three movements (only the G minor RV155 and D minor RV129 “Madrigalesco” have four), but what a wonderful array of styles; and what a treat to have them all in these fine performances in a single set. There are no gimmicks, just fine playing, well recorded.

The fourth CD was originally performed in the Palazzo Ghilini in Alessandria in 2015 for the Tactus label, but the others are new recordings, dating from three sessions in 2018. Each of the four discs starts in C and ends in B flat or B minor, having worked their way through the rising scale, so clearly some careful planning went into the programming. If you find yourself tiring of the violin pyrotechnics of Vivaldi’s solo and duet concerti, these “orchestral” may be more to your taste.

6 Ottobre 2019


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