L’Archicembalo | Das Orchester

VIVALDI, Complete Concertos and Sinfonias for Strings and Basso Continuo Recensione di Matthias Roth | Das Orchester  10 Ottobre 2019   Se vuoi sapere di più su Vivaldi – Complete Sonatas and Sinfonias for Strings and Basso Continuo clicca qui!  ...

L’Archicembalo | Early Music Review

VIVALDI, Complete Concertos and Sinfonias for Strings and Basso Continuo Recensione di Brian Clark | Early Music Review 51 pieces in all of the standard keys of the Baroque era, mostly in three movements (only the G minor RV155 and D minor RV129 “Madrigalesco” have...

L’Archicembalo | Music Web International

VIVALDI, Complete Concertos and Sinfonias for Strings and Basso Continuo Recensione di Brian Wilson | Music Web International [..] The personnel of L’Archicembalo changed slightly between 2015 and 2018, but you would hardly know which recordings are which. The eight-...

L’Archicembalo | Diapason

Vivaldi: Les concertos et sinfonias pour cordes. L’Archicembalo Recensione di Olivier Fourés | Diapason An exhilarating romp through the Venetian prince of the Italian Baroque: 50 works, many of them still little-known, in historically informed performances with...

L’Archicembalo | The Strad

L’Archicembalo: Vivaldi Recensione di Robin Stowell | The Strad There’s inventive and compelling playing in this bumper issue of Vivaldi. These recordings, captured in 2015 and 2018, embrace 51 complete works and offer some four and a half hours of diversion....


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